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Homeowners tips

This page was created to allow residents to share their experiences that they think friends and neighbors could benefit from. For example, perhaps you went on a cruise and found a great deal  on a hotel  that  offered free parking and shuttle service to  the port of departure.  Or maybe you discovered a great  hotel chain to consider for our long journey  home. Then there is always the questions surrounding preparing for long summer absences.

This page does not involve classified ads; regardless, the technical type of page used to create this feature is called a Classified ad  page that requires you to select a "tag" in order to post your contribution. Until such time as you can actually create your own tag, it is probably best to select "other" but it doesn't really matter which one you use. 

As with any post, the title is key to attracting the attention of viewers, so use key words when possible, for example, "Cruising out of Miami?" or "Hotel recommendation- Drury Inn" or "mildew prevention tips". In time, this section could build quite a library of info, and the search feature will prove handy. For example, search mildew and only posts that include that word will appear so no need to hunt for them.
