Classified ads are for items for sale.
If you want to place an ad for a service you provide (examples: rides to airport, dog walking, house watching), please use the page Classifieds (services by residents)
If you have an urgent requirement for information that is not really a classified ad, please create a Discussion Topic that will be emailed to most of our residents who can provide you with an immediate response with a simply click of the reply button.
Hi folks, I need your cooperation.
I have had three people comment this last week how contacts with some residents seeking rentals for friends or selling an item, have revealed the ads were no longer applicable. Unfortunately, I have heard similar comments before.
Our Classified Ad page is one of the top-ranked viewed pages on your website. People are interested in your listings; however, if classifieds get a reputation of being out dated, residents may eventually learn to ignore them.
I have occasionally emailed residents to confirm their ad status, but frankly, that is too time-consuming for what usually amounts to identifying outdated ads that require deletion. Therefore, here is how classifieds will be administered going forward: