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Calendar Event and Blast Email

What is the difference between the WBE, Bulletin, and the Community  Events Calendar?

WBE Events Calendar

-WBE's Newby office maintains the Official Events calendar
- notes when park amenities are booked for events.

The Bulletin Calendar

-is a point in time print that  can change after printing.
-includes activities that  don't involve the manager's office. 

Website Community  Events Calendar

- an interactive calendar, weekly email reminders of upcoming events.
- Managed by Activity Leaders, one of the most frequently viewed pages.
-  activity leaders can have authority to record Calendar Events and immediately send Blast emails to their group or the residents at large. 


Leaders can easily record and subsequently edit planned activities:

  1. Click on “Bulletin, Events Calendar, Obits" then click  on Events Calendar”

  2. Click on “Create New Event” and complete the self explanatory details that can be daily, weekly,etc. Certain sections must be completed to process the event record.

  3. Leaders can record whatever message they want residents to see when they click on the event link in the calendar,including ticket info.

  4. Leaders can use the RSVP option where it seems appropriate, or select “no”. At this point in our evolution, RSVPs are probably better suited for smaller groups. Any leader wanting to consider this option is encouraged to consult with the webmaster first.

  5. Leaders have two options when completing the posting of the event:

    • Do not send a Blast email: Leave all boxes unticked. Residents can see the message by simply clicking on the event in the Calendar and they will get a reminder before the event.

    • Send a “Blast” email of that same message to a specific group of members, or all residents, by ticking the appropriate box.

Click on Create!

Sending a Blast Email about the Calendar event is an Option, Not a Requirement

Whether or not the Blast option is used, the website community is sent a reminder of the event on the Monday before the event is held.

Blast  Email or Discussion Topic?

While similar in appearance, they are different in function.

  • A Discussion Forum facilitates a two-way, multi-resident, open discussion about a specific topic, and goes to all residents who agreed to accept Topic emails with an option for them to respond if they wish.
  • A Blast email differs as a one-way communication to all, or a specific group of recipients.
  • While our Discussion Forum significantly reduces the numbers of emails sent to residents, Blasts generally eliminate response emails.
  • Blast emails, whether event calendar related or not, can be sent to specific groups of residents, avoiding the inboxes of all the other residents who may not have any interest in the email topic. For example, use the Blast function that sends the message only to the Singers group, not the entire community. 

In order to keep relevant the emails reaching in-boxes of our residents, Leaders must carefully consider if there is a need to send a Blast email at all related to the calendar event posting. If the weekly notice and home page notice of upcoming events is sufficient, do not send a blast.

If a Blast is wanted, then the Leader must consider who the intended target audience is before selecting a group to receive it. For example, if the Blast concerns a specific activity such as a Shuffle tournament, or Bowling event, then the leader should likely Blast the Shuffle Group or Bowling Group instead of “All Residents”. However, if the Shuffle or Bowling club wanted to reach all residents with their message, then “All Residents” would be the appropriate Blast choice and the content of the message should be obvious why. Generally speaking this function is not monitored for appropriate use, but the webmaster will notify a Leader if complaints are received or a better alternative can be suggested for future consideration in the spirit of training.