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Discussion Topic, Blast Email

How to Start and Respond to a Discussion Forum Topic


To Start a Discussion Topic:

  1. Log in.

  2. Click on the "Discussion" button on the home page, or, click on the menu for "Communications"

  3. Click on "Community Discussion Forum"

  4. Click on “create a new topic”

  5. Your name should automatically populate the name box but if a Partial Member type your  name at the end of  the message.

  6. In the "Title" box give a description of the topic. Example: “We need an auto-body shop”

  7. Type your full message in the "Your comment" box.

  8. Click on the "create" button

  9. Your message will be sent instantly to all registered website members whose Contact  Settings allow Topic  emails. 

    To receive Discussion Topic emails that  are central to  our community communications you must follow these four easy steps:

    1) Log into the website and click on your name in the upper right-hand corner.
    2) From the drop-down menu, select "Member settings."
    3) Click on the "Contact" tab, scroll down to "Receive instant email notifications for..." and check the box for "New Forum Topics". (We don't recommend ticking the second box to receive Forum Comment emails).
    4) Click "save" at the bottom of the page.

  10. The originator does not get an email of the discussion forum because they started the forum and should know what it was about. However, after hitting the Create button the discussion topic page opens and you will see your posting in chrono order, at the very top of the page to confirm it was sent ok.


How to Respond to a New Discussion Topic:

  1. If you want to participate in a discussion,  simply click on the “comment on this topic” link at the end of the email message.

  2. If you are not logged on you will be asked to login

  3. If your name is not populated in the "name" box type in your name at  the end of your response

  4. Click the “Comment” button to send.


Your response will be sent by the website, in the form of an email, to the originator and copied to any prior respondents to the topic. In turn, you will also receive website-generated emails by subsequent respondents to the topic. All other residents not involved in the discussion will not receive these emails! The principle is residents who are not interested in joining the discussion should not be bothered by unwanted response emails. Members can view discussion topics in their entirety here


How to Respond to an Existing Discussion Topic:

  1. Ensure you are logged in, evident if your username is near the top right of the home page

  2. Click on Communications

  3. Click on Community Discussion Forum

  4. Click on “Review and Comment” link of the discussion topic you want to comment on

  5. You will see a  "Reply to this Conversation" section. If your name is not populated in the name box type in your name at the end of the comment

  6. Click the “Comment” button and respond respectfully.


Your email will be sent by the website, in the form of an email,to the originator and any prior respondents to the topic. In turn, you will also receive response emails by subsequent respondents to the topic. All other residents not involved in the discussion will not receive these emails!

Important:  If you want to send a reminder about a former topic, do not  simply respond to the original topic because recipients will be limited. You are better served starting a new topic for your reminder. 

Depending on what  your topic is about and the time frame you have, a discussion forum topic may be a better option than an ad. If you have an immediate need to  obtain or sell  something, create a discussion forum topic. You can also place an ad if you do not get immediate results because discussion topics have a short life span.


Blast Emails

Sent exclusively by the Webmaster and members delegated Blast authority for use in connection with their activity leadership. Blast emails are similar to discussion forums but go to all members and unless specified differently by  the sender, without the ability for the reader to respond. Blasts can be directed by the issuer to all residents or specific groups of residents, such as the Singers or the Shuffleboard club as examples. Blast  emails should  be used to communicate about subjects of park-wide interest, not personal matters.

Communications Archive of Blast Emails

Click on the arrow beside your login name  then click on Communications Archive to  view past Blast emails.

Non-calendar related method of sending Blast Emails

When logged in:
- Click on the  "Admin Control" box at the top of the home page.
- Click on the "communications" link
- Click on Blast email page link
- Create your message:
      - indicate who you are sending it to, ie All residents,etc
      - type your name at the end of your message so we know who sent the Blast.
      - You can add pictures by clicking on the add file option. (Please note          you will not see a thumb nail of the picture.)
      - You can add hyperlinks using Markdown. Two series of  brackets                create the hyperlink, one on the hot word, the other around the URL link. for Example:

View a shuffleboard video click [here](

You can send yourself a test Blast before designating the group, to ensure the email looks like you want it to look.